#7KeysMediate: 2
Key 1: Leadership: 1. Establish Strong, Collaborative, Mediative Leadership | Ken Cloke
The interview with Ken Cloke leads us through the key concepts of mediation in just 30 minutes! It is well worth watching more than once because you will discover several layers of wisdom from someone who mediated 1000’s of diverse cases. I personally got a lot from relistening to this in-depth ‘101 of’ mediative models and understanding that leadership is a skill you can learn and that enabling change is an important role of the mediator. Mediation & leadership are about helping others to both lead and follow to enable change. Conflict and leadership have a relationship which can be shaped in many forms.
Also emotions are very helpful in problem solving and are needed to make decisions. I also learned about swarm intelligence and a powerful analogy between leadership, problem solving and baking bread. Certainly a new perspective on mediation!
Besides this, the vibes of an interview on mediation in a forest also added to the experience. Enjoy!
Next week the interviews with Ken’s co-authors who share more perspectives and knowledge on leadership. Something to look forward to!
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